McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
McLuhan and Aristotle 4 (Synthesis between Plato and Aristotle?)
McLuhan and Aristotle 3 (the Stagirite as dialectician)
On the imbalance between physical and social science
Laws of the Media in the 1970s
Euclid and effect
McLuhan and Plato 14: “nothing exists in itself”
James Tenney and Wolfgang Köhler
The kinetic sense
Wheeler and McLuhan
Inclusive consciousness
What was McLuhan up to?
McDonald on Humboldt and McLuhan
McLuhan and Plato 8½ – Gigantomachia in the
McLuhan ABC ad on “friendly teamness”
WSC Museum 6: Reading Wright
Connubium of Being 1
Elsie on the move
End/beginning of FW
Innis on the eclipse of truth (
Innis on media revolutions (
Zarathustra: Listen to me even with your eyes!
Jung on “the energetics of the life process”
McLuhan on dialogue February 1959
On the subliminal 1
Marshall, Harry and Baudelaire
Charge of the light brigade
McLuhan on phenomenology in 1978
How communicate the presupposition to communication?
Bridges of spiritual and mental states
Bacon in McLuhan 7 (Lewis 2)
Bacon in McLuhan 3 (
Gutenberg Galaxy
Verlinde and the aversion to philosophy
The Toronto school and Schiller
Lodge, Richards and Schiller’s
Aesthetic Letters
Reversal 1
On the “necessary conjoint” of Platonists and Aristotelians
Ontology and physics
Lindberg before and after
Dialogue and ethics
Richard L Meier and “substitutability”
Adolf Hildebrand
How it is
When is ‘before’?
of the “objective correlative”
Dagwood and the ineradicable roots of our being
Easterbrook to Innis on the “juxtaposition of unlikes”
McLuhan’s realism 10: Pound on the ideograph
Writing and the Alphabet
in Innis and McLuhan
McLuhan and the “ceaseless quest for the inclusive image”
McLuhan’s realism 7: “training in moral sensibility”
Nef on McLuhan’s proposal
McLuhan’s realism 2: “the real things, exactly as they are”
Innis, McLuhan and “the “power of metamorphosis”
Ted Carpenter on discovering ‘auditory space’
Autobiography 1956: “Huge shift in the geography of perception and feeling”
Ontology and epistemology
Analogy of proper proportionality
The mosaic in
A Faculty of Interrelations
Sigfried Giedion —
A Faculty of Interrelations
What is
From vision to ‘vision’
Relativity and topology
“The main question” in Valéry
McLuhan and Heinrich Hertz 1
Key texts #1 — “physiological and psychological balance”