McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
3 Forms of Being
Three for two will do
McLuhan and Aristotle 5 (dualisms in 1944)
McLuhan and Aristotle 3 (the Stagirite as dialectician)
Contesting twofolds in Egypt and Greece
McLuhan’s contributions
Quantum considerations
Pre-tribal awareness
Wheeler and McLuhan
3 types of space
Escape from the cul-de-sac
Thoth: “the third ends the discord of the two”
Olympus, Pelion and Ossa in
McLuhan and Plato 8½ – Gigantomachia in the
WSC Museum 6: Reading Wright
Connubium of Being 1
East & west, horizontal & vertical
Poetic vs Rhetorical Exegesis 2: a question of ontology
McLuhan & Peterson: competing fundamental myths 1
Point and circumference in 1939
McLuhan’s “flush-profile” review of Frye
McKeon, Gilson and Rorty
McKeon’s 1935 Trivium essay 2 (the trivial debate)
McKeon’s 1935 Trivium essay 1 (what is philosophy?)
Bridges of spiritual and mental states
Hayakawa and Alfred Korzybski
Bacon in McLuhan 6 (‘Medieval Grammar as the Basis of Bacon’s
Novum Organum
Bacon in McLuhan 1 (Nashe thesis)
The essential plurality of the forms of being
Verlinde and the aversion to philosophy
Quantum communications (the implications of essential plurality)
Gigantomachia, triangular duel, siamese triplets
McLuhan and Lodge (‘Philosophy and Education’)
School of Night
and the dynamics of experience
Aesthetic Pattern (singular) in Keats’ Odes
McLuhan on “dichotomizing” in 1944
The Toronto school and Schiller
Lodge, Richards and Schiller’s
Aesthetic Letters
“Ancient quarrel” and its synonyms (1940’s)
3 forms of Being in Havelock’s
On the “necessary conjoint” of Platonists and Aristotelians
Heisenberg on ‘an ancient quarrel’
Lindberg before and after
Rupert Lodge: Synthesis or Comparison?
of forms
Percepts of existence
Dagwood and the ineradicable roots of our being
The Comparative Method of Rupert Lodge
McLuhan’s realism 6: dialectics and erudition not enough
McLuhan’s realism 5: Cambridge 1934-1935
McLuhan and Plato 15: Poe’s
and the
Richards – the trivium, the eddy and the 2 sides of the mirror
McLuhan’s Topic #3 – Richards and ontology
McLuhan and Plato 9 – on the plain of oblivion
The bias of communication