McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
On the imbalance between physical and social science
Kenner on McLuhan, the universal sage
Reborn from ruin
Dobbs: McLuhan on Nam June Paik
Dobbs: a telling problem
Bio statement from 1944
McLuhan and Kenner (the plotline of
Dublin’s Joyce
McLuhan and Kenner (
Dublin’s Joyce
, chap 6)
Chaos and confusion in 1948
McLuhan and Kenner (
Dublin’s Joyce
, chap 5)
McLuhan and Kenner (
Dublin’s Joyce
, chap 3)
McLuhan and Kenner (
Dublin’s Joyce
, chap 2)
McLuhan and Kenner (
Dublin’s Joyce
, chap 1)
Faculty of Interrelation in Toronto
“Arrest in time” in McLuhan
“Arrest in time” in Lewis
Evolution: shift from biology to technology
The representative ferment
Mimesis in
Laws of Media
Wyndham Lewis,
, comments
(Introduction to Part ii)
Nous poietikos
, agent intellect
Predicting the present
Global Conference on the Future
Easterbrook on Innis
Gutenberg Quincentenary 1940
James Tenney and Wolfgang Köhler
The spectacle of redemption
Extra sensory perception
Inclusive consciousness
McLuhan replays Elsie
Multi-space dialogue in Greece
A whole new genus of sciences
Future of the human species
Innis or Havelock?
Mac to Lewis, 1944
WSCM 6: Reading Wright
WSCM 5: Watson Kirkconnell
WSCM 4: Tom Easterbrook
WSCM 3: Carl Williams & Kelvin
WSCM anteroom: peace in the global village?
WSCM 2: Gertrude Avenue connection
WSCM 1: Winnipeg in 1920
Portrait of Rupert Clendon Lodge
Portrait of Henry Wilkes Wright
Havelock in db of classical scholars
Lodge in db of classical scholars
The earwig when bisected fights itself
McLuhan and Winters 2
McLuhan and Winters 1
Plenary consciousness 2
Hayakawa to McLuhan in 1968
Moholy-Nagy 2 (Hayakawa)
Moholy-Nagy 1 (Giedion on M-N in 1936)
Classroom without walls
NAEB grant for “understanding media”
Connubium of Being 3
Eliot’s bread
Connubium of Being 1
Elsie on the move
East & west, horizontal & vertical
Poetic vs Rhetorical Exegesis 1
Pound’s Guide to Kulchur
“Anybody can now be made famous”
Centre and margin overview
Tis optophone which ontophanes
Illusion and Reality
Voegelin letters background
McLuhan’s “secret societies” problem
Innis on thought and its eclipse (
Innis multiplying Hugo (
Hugo on Gutenberg in 1831: the second tower of Babel
Innis on limitation (
‘The Later Innis’ and quantum mechanics
Innis on the eclipse of truth (
Innis on the state of the world in 2021 (
Media Man in National Lampoon
Innis on media revolutions (
The Electronic Revolution and the Undeveloped Countries of the Mind
Innis citing Trollope on CV-building
McLuhan reads Innis (
Easterbrook on Innis and McLuhan in 1960
Jordan Peterson and Marshall McLuhan
Point and circumference in 1939
Nihilism stands at the door
Meaning as an arrow
First meeting with Wyndham Lewis
Medium in
America and Cosmic Man
Dating key terms
Statement on Culture and Technology
Harry Skornia, peace activist
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1963
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1964
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1965
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1966
Patterns of Literary Criticism
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1972
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