McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
McLuhan and Aristotle 5 (dualisms in 1944)
McLuhan and Aristotle 4 (Synthesis between Plato and Aristotle?)
McLuhan and Aristotle 3 (the Stagirite as dialectician)
McLuhan and Aristotle 2 (Maritain’s
McLuhan and Aristotle 1 (first encounters)
Kenner on McLuhan, the universal sage
Reborn from ruin
McLuhan’s contributions
Euclid and effect
McLuhan and Plato 14: “nothing exists in itself”
The representative ferment
Nous poietikos
, agent intellect
McLuhan and Plato 13:
Inclusive consciousness
Peterson: time or times?
Yeats on the emotion of multitude
Comments on Elder’s comments on Barilli
McLuhan to Skornia 6/8/59
How communicate the presupposition to communication?
McLuhan to Innis 1951 (3)
Heine on ‘Plato’ and ‘Aristotle’
Wakese 2: McLuhan on the “potencies” of language
Heisenberg on possibility
Heisenberg on ‘an ancient quarrel’
Ontology and physics
Riezler on possibility
Riezler on ontology
Riezler on the situation of the world
The “magical” essence of communication
Chrystall on time 2