McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
Inclusive Exclusive
McLuhan and Plato 14: “nothing exists in itself”
Quantum considerations
The earwig when bisected fights itself
Plenary consciousness 2
Plenary consciousness (McLuhan and Hegel)
Connubium of Being 1
McLuhan on dialogue February 1959
Eisenstein 5 (the time of ‘epoch’)
The essential plurality of the forms of being
Dagwood and the ineradicable roots of our being
McLuhan and the “ceaseless quest for the inclusive image”
Tradition and the Individual Talent
The “Vacuum of the Self”, the “Abced-minded”
What is
McLuhan’s Topic #3 – Richards and ontology
“Pouring [out] is also fulfillment, not emptying but filling”
Autobiography — Richards and Empson
Subjective and objective genitive 2
Uttering, outering
McLuhan and Plato 7 – “a poise between”
McLuhan and Plato 3 – the wild horses of passion
p22 — Commentary 2: on “true strength”