McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
Relativity and Topology
Between gods and ages
Bridges of spiritual and mental states
Culture Without Literacy
Verlinde and the aversion to philosophy
Verlinde: Physics in the Information Age
Jung on Schiller 2
Lewis on the fate of the West
Bohm on the ratio of ratios
Bohm on making and matching
Bohm on percept and concept
Bohm on formal cause
McLuhan’s #1 breakthrough
William Ivins
Heinrich Wölfflin
Effect before cause in Gilson
John Watson’s heritage in political economics and communications
of the “objective correlative”
McLuhan’s times
Havelock and the question of ‘water’
Theall on Innis, Havelock and McLuhan
Relativity in
Space, Time & Architecture
Relativity in
Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters
Autobiography 1956: “Huge shift in the geography of perception and feeling”
Analogy of proper proportionality
Minkowski in Giedion
“New Media Changing Spatial Orientation Of Self”
Relativity in
The Mechanical Bride
Field theory
Sigfried Giedion —
A Faculty of Interrelations
What is
From vision to ‘vision’
Hayakawa — The Revision of Vision
Relativity and topology
Key texts #1 — “physiological and psychological balance”
The Beginnings of
Gutenberg Galaxy
2 – Carothers