McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
Between gods and ages
Malinowski’s “new science” of culture (part 1)
Contesting twofolds in Egypt and Greece
McLuhan’s contributions
Yeats’ rough beast slouching toward Bethlehem
Wyndham Lewis,
, comments
3 types of space
Genitives, times and essential types
McLuhan on Vico
Thoth: “the third ends the discord of the two”
Olympus, Pelion and Ossa in
McLuhan and Plato 8½ – Gigantomachia in the
McLuhan versus
The Prison House of Language
McLuhan and Winters 2
Plenary consciousness 2
Connubium of Being 3
Connubium of Being 2
Connubium of Being 1
St Kevin’s tub
Poetic vs Rhetorical Exegesis 2: a question of ontology
Poetic vs Rhetorical Exegesis 1
Optophone 3: “carry everywhere the reflection of its delight”
Tis optophone which ontophanes
Peterson on Eliot’s knot
McLuhan & Peterson: competing fundamental myths 1
Peterson: time or times?
Jordan Peterson on the hero
Chemistry of the interior landscape
McLuhan on phenomenology in
McLuhan on phenomenology in 1978
Herb McLuhan in
McKeon’s 1935 Trivium essay 2 (the trivial debate)
McKeon’s 1935 Trivium essay 1 (what is philosophy?)
Bacon in McLuhan 7 (Lewis 2)
The essential plurality of the forms of being
Verlinde and the aversion to philosophy
Quantum communications (the implications of essential plurality)
Gigantomachia, triangular duel, siamese triplets
Aesthetic Pattern (singular) in Keats’ Odes
Lévi-Strauss on method in anthropology
“Ancient quarrel” and its synonyms (1940’s)
Heisenberg on possibility
Ontology and physics
Bohm and Hiley on “active information”
Riezler on possibility
Riezler on ontology
Rupert Lodge: Synthesis or Comparison?
Dialogue and ethics
Marchand on McLuhan on the Maelstrom
A sense of reality
John Watson’s heritage in political economics and communications
Dagwood and the ineradicable roots of our being
Writing and the Alphabet
in Innis and McLuhan
Nef on McLuhan’s proposal
McLuhan’s realism 5: Cambridge 1934-1935
McLuhan’s realism 2: “the real things, exactly as they are”
The “Vacuum of the Self”
Ontology and epistemology
Sigfried Giedion —
A Faculty of Interrelations
The put-on
Elsie McLuhan on the Mastery of Life
Preface to
The Mechanical Bride
: “provisional affairs for apprehending reality”
Jackson Knight on “the main question”
McLuhan’s Topic #4: the secret songs that orchestrate the universe
McLuhan’s Topic #3 – Richards and ontology
“Pouring [out] is also fulfillment, not emptying but filling”
Sense and senselessness 1 —
McLuhan and Plato 1: strange prisoners like ourselves
McLuhan and Plato 11- on the perception of the child (obj gen)
McLuhan and Plato 10 – on the child and the child’s perception
McLuhan and Plato 9 – on the plain of oblivion
McLuhan and Plato 8 – Gigantomachia
McLuhan and Plato 7 – “a poise between”
McLuhan and Plato 1 – Phaedrus and Er
Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters 1
The Waters of Intelligibility
Language itself
The Proscenium Arch (3)
Peace in difference
Mis-taking McLuhan (Kroker 2)
Exploring ignorance (9) –
The Concept of Dread
Exploring Ignorance (8) – “Nothing completely packaged”
Exploring ignorance (6)
Exploring ignorance (5)
Exploring ignorance (4)