McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
John Lindberg
“Perpetuity of collective harmony” as judo
Kenneth Boulding
Multi-levels of simultaneous presentation
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Havelock, McLuhan & the history of education
Human being: navigator between worlds
Eliot on Scylla and Charybdis
What is the present?
X-ray awareness, the inside story
The Maelstrom in Mallarmé’s
Coup de Dés
Effect before cause in Gilson
Voices in
A Portrait
The New Criticism and plural times
of the “objective correlative”
Language and experience
Proposal to Robert Hutchins 1947
McLuhan’s realism 2: “the real things, exactly as they are”
McLuhan’s realism 1: St Louis 1940
“The formula of Virgil’s poetic chemistry”
Autobiography – beginning to teach in 1936
Innis, McLuhan and “the “power of metamorphosis”
The “magical” essence of communication
Reuel Denney
What nobody knows
I.A. Richards on Eric Havelock
“Body percept” – identity, space and time
Theuth in Plato’s
The “Vacuum of the Self”, the “Abced-minded”
The vacuum tube, “the ballet of electrons”
of unity
Pre-Christian Logos
What is
From vision to ‘vision’
Relativity and topology
“The main question” in Valéry
Hopkins: peace allows the death of it
Richards and McLuhan – The Windhover
Richards – the trivium, the eddy and the 2 sides of the mirror
Key texts #2 — SI/SC revisited as “cliché-probes”
Autobiography 1930
Sense and senselessness 2 — Wittgenstein on language and language learning
Sense and senselessness 1 —
Subjective and objective genitive
McLuhan and Plato 6 – Theuth
McLuhan and Plato 4 – Narcissus
McLuhan and Plato 2 –
is myth?
Through the Vanishing Point 3 – Yeats
“Language itself” 2 – Wallace Stevens
Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters 2: What Mallarmé saw
Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters 1
The Waters of Intelligibility – Mis-taking McLuhan
Language itself
Why Science?
The Proscenium Arch (1)
Chrystall on time 2
Centre and Margin 3
Centre and Margin 1
Chrystall on time 1
McLuhan’s language 2 (Lamberti)
McLuhan’s language
Media as atomic structures
RVM or through the looking glass?
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