McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
McLuhan’s Catholicism
Between gods and ages
McLuhan and Aristotle 5 (dualisms in 1944)
McLuhan and Aristotle 4 (Synthesis between Plato and Aristotle?)
Reborn from ruin
McLuhan and Kenner (
Dublin’s Joyce
, chap 5)
McLuhan and Kenner (
Dublin’s Joyce
, chap 3)
WSC Museum 4: Tom Easterbrook
Plenary consciousness 2
Eliot’s bread
Connubium of Being 1
East & west, horizontal & vertical
Jordan Peterson and Marshall McLuhan
Point and circumference in 1939
Nihilism stands at the door
Comments on Elder’s comments on Barilli
Pugen’s time
From world to worlds
McNamee and Ong remember McLuhan
R.C. Williams’ Assessment of McLuhan
McLuhan and Father R.C. Williams
How communicate the presupposition to communication?
McKeon, Gilson and Rorty
McKeon’s 1935 Trivium essay 1 (what is philosophy?)
Eisenstein 2 (Zavattini)
Bacon in McLuhan 8 (Induction = Metaphor)
Bacon in McLuhan 7 (Lewis 2)
Lodge in W.O. Mitchell’s
Who Has Seen the Wind
On the “necessary conjoint” of Platonists and Aristotelians
John Lindberg
Vatican Council as politics and business
The incomprehensible mechanism
The family predicament
Effect before cause in Gilson
Echoes of Joyce
The very citadel of civilized awareness
Henry Carr
Writing and the Alphabet
in Innis and McLuhan
McLuhan and the “ceaseless quest for the inclusive image”
On Lewis and Technology 1944
The Comparative Method of Rupert Lodge
McLuhan’s realism 9: Where Chesterton Comes In
McLuhan’s realism 5: Cambridge 1934-1935
McLuhan’s realism 4: Meredith and “mystical materialism”
McLuhan’s realism 2: “the real things, exactly as they are”
McLuhan’s realism 1: St Louis 1940
Encountering Maritain in 1934
McLuhan and Father Gerald Phelan 1934-1936
of unity
Pre-Christian Logos
Relativity in
Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters
Analogy of proper proportionality
What is
From vision to ‘vision’
Relativity and topology
Elsie McLuhan on the Mastery of Life
“The main question” in Dostoevsky
Deutsch on Christian complementarity
Jackson Knight on “the main question”
Eliot’s ‘From Poe to Valéry’
Richards and Havelock before 1947
Hopkins: peace allows the death of it
Richards and McLuhan – The Windhover
“Pouring [out] is also fulfillment, not emptying but filling”
Autobiography – remembering St Louis 1937-1944
Autobiography – encountering Maritain
Sense and senselessness 1 —
Subjective and objective genitive 2
McLuhan and Plato 1: strange prisoners like ourselves
McLuhan and Plato 5 – Peter Pan
Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters 3 – On the existence of knowledge
Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters – Introduction
Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters 2: What Mallarmé saw
Mallarmé: “a competition for the foundation of the popular modern Poem”
Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters 1
The Waters of Intelligibility – Mis-taking McLuhan
The Waters of Intelligibility
The ancient bond of guest-host-enemy
On “things most common”