McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
Wright on matter and spirit in 1917
Havelock in db of classical scholars
The earwig when bisected fights itself
Buick ad 1947
Typhon/Minotaur/Dionysus parallels
MacLevy’s Figurama
McLuhan and Winters 2
McLuhan and Winters 1
Plenary consciousness 2
Plenary consciousness (McLuhan and Hegel)
Moholy-Nagy 1 (Giedion on M-N in 1936)
Classroom TV (1956)
Connubium of Being 3
Connubium of Being 2
Connubium of Being 1
Elsie on the move
East & west, horizontal & vertical
End/beginning of FW
St Kevin’s tub
Poetic vs Rhetorical Exegesis 2: a question of ontology
Poetic vs Rhetorical Exegesis 1
Pound’s Guide to Kulchur
“Anybody can now be made famous”
Centre and margin — Coleridge
Centre and margin overview
Optophone 3: “carry everywhere the reflection of its delight”
Optophone 2
Optophone 1
Tis optophone which ontophanes
Illusion and Reality
Voegelin letters background
McLuhan’s “secret societies” problem
Innis on thought and its eclipse (
Innis multiplying Hugo (
Hugo on Gutenberg in 1831: the second tower of Babel
Innis on limitation (
‘The Later Innis’ and quantum mechanics
Innis on the eclipse of truth (
Innis on the state of the world in 2021 (
Innis on media revolutions (
The Electronic Revolution and the Undeveloped Countries of the Mind
McLuhan reads Innis (
Easterbrook on Innis and McLuhan in 1960
McLuhan on media science in 1958
Peterson on Eliot’s knot
McLuhan & Peterson: competing fundamental myths 1
Peterson: time or times?
Peterson and the fabled ‘thing in itself’
Yeats on the emotion of multitude
Zarathustra: Listen to me even with your eyes!
Jordan Peterson on the hero
Jordan Peterson and Marshall McLuhan
Point and circumference in 1939
Nihilism stands at the door
Meaning as an arrow
Medium in
America and Cosmic Man
Taking flight
Jung on
praeceptores mundi
Jung on the interior landscape
Jung on “the energetics of the life process”
Translating McLuhan to McLuhan
Citadel of inclusive awareness
Dating key terms
Burroughs on ‘Literary Techniques’
McLuhan reads Burroughs
Statement on Culture and Technology
Garbage Apocalypse
Harry Skornia, peace activist
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1973-1974
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1969
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1970
Wheel and Axle
McLuhan 1974 letter to Murray Schafer
The Law of Media 1
The Law of Media 2
McLuhan’s “flush-profile” review of Frye
Comments on Elder’s comments on Barilli 2
Comments on Elder’s comments on Barilli
McLuhan at the crossroads
The Art of Being Ruled
(de Kerckhove 3)
Percept and concept 1
Pugen’s time
Ignatov on Maritain on Bergson 2
Ignatov on Maritain on Bergson 1
Maelstrom in Ertrog and Yeats
McLuhan on Whitehead
McLuhan to Skornia 6/7/59: “We can’t assume that we understand media already!”
McLuhan to Skornia 6/5/59
McLuhan to Skornia 6/4/59
McLuhan to Skornia early June 1959
Present as history, history as present 5/29-59
McLuhan to Skornia 3/14/59
McLuhan on dialogue February 1959
Media Log II
McLuhan to Skornia 1/25/59 (Cassirer)
McLuhan to Skornia 1/25/59
Psycho-dynamics (the medium is the message)
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