McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
Time and times
Between gods and ages
Dobbs: McLuhan on what’s the difference
Dilworth: McLuhan on The Waste Land
McLuhan and Kenner (
Dublin’s Joyce
, chap 4)
“Arrest in time” in Lewis
Multi-space dialogue in Greece
McNamara’s band
Genitives, times and essential types
McDonald on Humboldt and McLuhan
McLuhan and Plato 8½ – Gigantomachia in the
McLuhan versus
The Prison House of Language
Wright on matter and spirit in 1917
St Kevin’s tub
Easterbrook on Innis and McLuhan in 1960
Peterson on Eliot’s knot
McLuhan & Peterson: competing fundamental myths 1
Peterson: time or times?
Jordan Peterson on the hero
Jordan Peterson and Marshall McLuhan
Jung on
praeceptores mundi
Translating McLuhan to McLuhan
Burroughs on ‘Literary Techniques’
McLuhan reads Burroughs
Comments on Elder’s comments on Barilli
McLuhan at the crossroads
The Art of Being Ruled
(de Kerckhove 3)
Pugen’s time
Ignatov on Maritain on Bergson 1
Maelstrom in Ertrog and Yeats
On the subliminal 1
The Beginnings of
Gutenberg Galaxy
Chemistry of the interior landscape
McLuhan on phenomenology in
McLuhan on phenomenology in 1978
How communicate the presupposition to communication?
Shaw & the hurdles of communication
Eisenstein 5 (the time of ‘epoch’)
Epoch: Dostoevsky
Analog and digital times
Culture Without Literacy
The Beginnings of
Gutenberg Galaxy
Bacon in McLuhan 5 (‘Francis Bacon, Ancient or Modern?’)
Bacon in McLuhan 3 (
Gutenberg Galaxy
Verlinde and the aversion to philosophy
Verlinde: Physics in the Information Age
Quantum communications (the implications of essential plurality)
Vertical and horizontal times in Saussure and Nevitt
Lévi-Strauss on method in anthropology
The times of science
Breakthrough insight at “the level of essence”
Media definition
Wakese 3: “A word is a single shot of a process”
Lodge in W.O. Mitchell’s
Who Has Seen the Wind
Bohm on times
Bohm on “the wrong turn”
Bohm on the spacetimes of consciousness
Charles Cochrane and “problems of time”
“Perpetuity of collective harmony” as judo
McLuhan on ‘effect’ in 1946
What Havelock knew in 1938
Multi-levels of simultaneous presentation
What is the present?
X-ray awareness, the inside story
When is ‘before’?
Knowing effects before they occur
From the unconscious to the conscious to consciousness of the unconscious
The New Criticism and plural times
Language and experience
Dagwood and the ineradicable roots of our being
Writing and the Alphabet
in Innis and McLuhan
McLuhan’s times
McLuhan and the “ceaseless quest for the inclusive image”
McLuhan and Plato 15: Poe’s
and the
The bubble of life in Tolstoy, Nietzsche, Havelock and Innis
Giedion on simultaneity
The Journey of Aeneas through the Waste Land
Encountering Maritain in 1934
The dateline 1
Minkowski in Giedion
What is
Preface to
The Mechanical Bride
: “provisional affairs for apprehending reality”
Ancient Mariner
and Poe’s
Innis to McLuhan January 12, 1952
Richards on the media 5
Richards and McLuhan: essential differences
Comparative philosophy – Masson-Oursel and Crookshank
“Pouring [out] is also fulfillment, not emptying but filling”
Subjective and objective genitive 2
McLuhan and Plato 11- on the perception of the child (obj gen)
McLuhan and Plato 7 – “a poise between”
McLuhan and Plato 4 – Narcissus
McLuhan and Plato 2 –
is myth?
McLuhan and Plato 1 – Phaedrus and Er
Through the Vanishing Point 3 – Yeats
Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters 3 – On the existence of knowledge
Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters 2: What Mallarmé saw
The Waters of Intelligibility
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