McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
McLuhan and Aristotle 5 (dualisms in 1944)
Bio statement from 1944
McLuhan and Kenner (the plotline of
Dublin’s Joyce
Chaos and confusion in 1948
McLuhan and Kenner (
Dublin’s Joyce
, chap 4)
Euclid and effect
Faculty of Interrelation in Toronto
Nous poietikos
, agent intellect
Gutenberg Quincentenary 1940
James Tenney and Wolfgang Köhler
Going quantum
Hominization of the planet 2
Through the vanishing point with Nietzsche
Hominization of the planet 1
McLuhan’s communication problem
A whole new genus of sciences
McNamara’s band
McLuhan’s advice to Leary
Innis or Havelock?
3 types of space
Genitives, times and essential types
G.S. Brett
Mac to Lewis, 1944
WSCM 4: Tom Easterbrook
Buick ad 1947
Typhon/Minotaur/Dionysus parallels
McLuhan and Winters 2
Plenary consciousness 2
McLuhan and Hayakawa in Louisville 1954
Classroom without walls
NAEB grant for “understanding media”
Connubium of Being 3
Connubium of Being 2
Connubium of Being 1
Poetic vs Rhetorical Exegesis 2: a question of ontology
Optophone 1
Voegelin letters background
Global village in 1954
Medium in
America and Cosmic Man
Jung on
praeceptores mundi
Jung on the interior landscape
Dating key terms
The Beginnings of
Gutenberg Galaxy
The Law of Media 1
The Beginnings of
Gutenberg Galaxy
Media Log II
McLuhan to Skornia 1/25/59 (Cassirer)
McLuhan to Skornia 1/25/59
Birthpains of the new: “an arduous metamorphosis”
What is the
of prediction?
Chemistry of the interior landscape 2
Und so weiter! (the gap)
From world to worlds
McLuhan on Burroughs
Defending the print medium in 1958
The Beginnings of
Gutenberg Galaxy
of science 6/25/59
Becker on NDEA Title VII funding
McNamee and Ong remember McLuhan
R.C. Williams’ Assessment of McLuhan
Marshall, Harry and Baudelaire
Defining the Understanding Media project
Richard Hughes on media and the senses
Chemistry of the interior landscape
McLuhan and Skornia 1957 and 1958
NAEB seminar December 1957
First contact with the NAEB
McLuhan on phenomenology in
McKeon’s 1935 Trivium essay 2 (the trivial debate)
McKeon’s 1935 Trivium essay 1 (what is philosophy?)
Eisenstein 4 (1951)
Eisenstein 3 (Balázs)
Eisenstein 2 (Zavattini)
Bridges of spiritual and mental states
Culture Without Literacy
The Beginnings of
Gutenberg Galaxy
The Beginnings of
Gutenberg Galaxy
“Canadians” as McLuhan mirror
Bacon in McLuhan 8 (Induction = Metaphor)
Bacon in McLuhan 7 (Lewis 2)
Bacon in McLuhan 5 (‘Francis Bacon, Ancient or Modern?’)
Bacon in McLuhan 3 (
Gutenberg Galaxy
Bacon in McLuhan 2 (‘Bacon’s Patristic Inheritance’)
Bacon in McLuhan 1 (Nashe thesis)
The essential plurality of the forms of being
S.D. Neill on Innis and McLuhan
School of Night
and the dynamics of experience
“Food for the mind is like food for the body”
Aesthetic Pattern (singular) in Keats’ Odes
Breakthrough insight at “the level of essence”
Communications Programme at UBC
The medium is the message in 1958
Irish Bull
Ransom to Tate and Guerry on McLuhan
Past the vanishing point
“Ancient quarrel” and its synonyms (1940’s)
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