McLuhan's New Sciences
When we push our paradigms back, we get "history"; when we push them forward, we get "science". (Take Today, 15)
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On the opening of a new domain
McLuhan’s new sciences: “only the authority of knowledge”
Category Archives:
State of the world
Between gods and ages
Malinowski’s “new science” of culture (part 2)
Malinowski’s “new science” of culture (part 1)
On the imbalance between physical and social science
Reborn from ruin
First words on the moon
McLuhan’s contributions
Dobbs: McLuhan on copy and original
Dobbs: McLuhan on how much truth you got
Yeats’ rough beast slouching toward Bethlehem
Dilworth: McLuhan on The Waste Land
Chaos and confusion in 1948
McLuhan and Kenner (
Dublin’s Joyce
, chap 5)
McLuhan and Kenner (
Dublin’s Joyce
, chap 1)
“Arrest in time” in Lewis
McLuhan and Plato 14: “nothing exists in itself”
Evolution: shift from biology to technology
Predicting the present
Pre-tribal awareness
Going quantum
Dali Visage paranoïaque
Through the vanishing point with Nietzsche
McLuhan’s communication problem
A whole new genus of sciences
McLuhan & Peterson: competing fundamental myths 2
Future of the human species
Genitives, times and essential types
What was McLuhan up to?
Escape from the cul-de-sac
McLuhan on Vico
McDonald on McLuhan’s utopianism
McDonald on Humboldt and McLuhan
Thoth: “the third ends the discord of the two”
WSC Museum anteroom: peace in the global village?
The earwig when bisected fights itself
McLuhan and Winters 2
Plenary consciousness 2
Classroom without walls
Connubium of Being 2
Connubium of Being 1
Poetic vs Rhetorical Exegesis 2: a question of ontology
Poetic vs Rhetorical Exegesis 1
“Anybody can now be made famous”
Voegelin letters background
McLuhan’s “secret societies” problem
Innis multiplying Hugo (
Innis on limitation (
Innis on the eclipse of truth (
Innis on the state of the world in 2021 (
Innis on media revolutions (
Innis citing Trollope on CV-building
McLuhan reads Innis (
Easterbrook on Innis and McLuhan in 1960
McLuhan on media science in 1958
Peterson on Eliot’s knot
McLuhan & Peterson: competing fundamental myths 1
Peterson: time or times?
Peterson and the fabled ‘thing in itself’
Jordan Peterson on the hero
Point and circumference in 1939
Nihilism stands at the door
Meaning as an arrow
Taking flight
Translating McLuhan to McLuhan
Statement on Culture and Technology
Garbage Apocalypse
Harry Skornia, peace activist
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1967
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1969
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1971
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1970
McLuhan in UT President’s Report 1972
Comments on Elder’s comments on Barilli 2
The Art of Being Ruled
(de Kerckhove 3)
“A genus of homicidal puppets, sure enough” (de Kerckhove 2)
de Kerckhove’s Digital Transformation 1
Percept and concept 1
Pugen’s time
Ignatov on Maritain on Bergson 2
Marshall foresees Zoom
McLuhan to Skornia 6/7/59: “We can’t assume that we understand media already!”
McLuhan to Skornia 6/4/59
Media Log II
McLuhan to Skornia 1/25/59 (Cassirer)
What is the
of prediction?
“Understanding is not a point of view”
McLuhan on Burroughs
Defending the print medium in 1958
The McLuhans move to Winnipeg
Herb McLuhan in
Epoch: Dostoevsky
Beyond the cultural monad
Culture Without Literacy
‘A Federal Offense!’
Lewis in McLuhan 3 (‘Nihilism Exposed’)
Lewis in McLuhan 1 (‘Lemuel in Lilliput’)
Bacon in McLuhan 2 (‘Bacon’s Patristic Inheritance’)
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